Friday 6 April 2012

Thursday 5 April 2012

So why around the world??

In 1894 the British and Indian Governments Hemp Drugs Commission ruled out prohibition of cannabis and said that the social use of cannabis was acceptable. They also denied previous claims that cannabis caused insanity. After the marijuana tax act, Anslinger went on to control the attempts at eradicating hemp until he was eventually sacked by President John Kennedy, who was said to have used cannabis to ease back pains. 

However, during the time World War II broke out, American policy had to change in order to produce the necessary fibre for war. 'Reefer Madness' was rapidly, but temporarily, dropped in favour of a 'Hemp for Victory' campaign and farmers were required to grow cannabis. After the war Anslinger continued to publicly campaign that cannabis drove people crazy and made them violent, right up until the Vietnam War when he then blamed cannabis for pacifying American troops. 

Later in 1962 when he resigned from the position of the Commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, he was appointed as the US representative to the UN Narcotics commission for two years till he retired. It was in this 2 years that heavy lobbying by him resulted in the UN Single Drugs Convention of 1961, which is widely recognized as the cause of marijuana ban around the world 

Anslinger died in 1975, but not before ensuring that the world is devoid of the magical plant and ensured that the world be slaves to expensive, low quality, synthetic substitutes.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Hemp is better?...well then lets ban it.

What is hemp? Just another word for marijuana??

And that is one the the things that happened in 1937. Sailing ships were loaded with hemp. Hemp-made sails, hemp-made ropes, twine and cloth. The word 'canvas' was in fact derived from 'cannabis', because that's what canvas was. Old sails were made into wagon covers and ultimately the original Levi's jeans. Everyone knew what hemp was, but nobody knew what marijuana was.

Basically, it came down to this. America in the 1900's saw two powerful rivals, agriculture and industry, faced off several multi-billion dollar markets. When Rudolph Diesel produced his engine in 1896, he'd assumed it would run off of vegetable and seed oils, especially hemp, which is superior to petroleum. Just think about it for a second. A fuel that can be grown by our farmers, and superior to imported oils. Imagine the history that would be rewritten and all the wars that could be avoided!

So we have an elite group of special interests dominated by Du Pont petrochemical and its major financial backer and key political ally, Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon. Mellon was a banker who took over Gulf Oil Corporation. In 1919, with ethanol fuel poised to compete with gasoline, alcohol prohibition descended on the nation, lucky bastard Mellon. When President Harding made him Secretary of the Treasury, he was considered the richest man in America. In the 1920's, Mellon arranged for his bank to loan his buddies as Du Pont money to take over General Motors. Du Pont had developed new gasoline additives and the sulfate and sulfite process that made trees into paper.

In the 1930's, Ford Motor Company operated a successful biomass fuel conversion plant using cellulose at Iron Mountain, Michigan. Ford engineers extracted methanol, charcoal fuel, tar, pitch ethyl-acetate and creosote from hemp. The same fundamental ingredients for the industry were also being made from fossil fuels. At the same time, Du Pont was developing cellophane, nylon, and dacron from from fossil fuels. Du Pont held the patents on many synthetics and became a leader in the development of paint, rayon, synthetic rubber, plastics, chemicals, photographic film, insecticides and agricultural chemicals. From the Du Pont 1937 Annual Report we can guess to what started to happen next: "The revenue raising power of government may be converted into an instrument for forcing acceptance of sudden new ideas of industrial and social reorganization".

William Randolph Hearst
And here entered William Randolph Hearst. Hearst's company was a major consumer of the cheap tree-pulp paper that had replaced hemp paper in the late 19th century. The Hearst Corporation was also a major logging company, and produced Du Pont's chemical-drenched tree pulp paper, which yellowed and fell apart after a short time. Fueled by the advertising sold to the petrochemical industries, Hearst Newspapers were also known for their sensationalist stories. Hearst despised poor people, black people, chinese, hindus, and all other minorities. Most of all he hated Mexicans. Pancho Villa's cannabis-smoking troops had reclaimed some 800,000 acres of prime timberland from Hearst in the name of the mexican peasants. And all of the low-quality paper the company planned to make by deforesting it's vast timber holdings were in danger of being replaced by low-cost, high quality paper made from hemp. Hearst had always supported any kind of prohibition, and now he wanted cannabis included in every anti-narcotics bill. Never mind that cannabis wasn't a narcotic. Facts weren't important. The important thing was to have it completely removed from society, doctors, and industry. Around 1920 or so, a new word arose - "Marihuana". Through screaming headlines and horror stories,"marihuana" was blamed for murderous rampages by blacks and mexicans. Hearst continued to use his power of the press to impress on his readers the dangers of the "marihuana" plant. When the Federal Bureau of Narcotics was formed in 1932, Mellon's nephew Harry Anslinger was appointed its head, a job in Mellon's treasury department that was created just for him. Treasury agents were beginning to operate on their own agenda. Deep in the throes of the depression, congress began to reexamine all federal agencies. Anslinger began to fear that his department was in danger of emasculation. Although worldwide, hemp was still big business, in 1935 the Treasury Department began secretly drafting a bill called The Marihuana Tax Act. The Treasury Department's general counsul Herman Oliphant was put in charge of writing something that could get past both Congress and the Court disguised as a tax revenue bill. Congress wasn't all that interested in the matter, seeing as all the information they had to work with was what was provided to them by Anslinger. They deliberately collected horror stories on the evils of marihuana pulled primarily from the Hearst newspapers, called Anslinger's Gore Files. Crimes that had never happened at all were being attributed to marihuana.So, in 1937, Anslinger went before a poorly attended committee hearing and called for a total ban on marihuana. He stated under oath "This drug is entirely the monster Hyde, the harmful effects of which cannot be measured". Bureaucrats planned the hearings to avoid the discussion of the full House and presented the measure in the guise of a tax revenue bill brought to the six member House Ways and Means Committee, chaired by Du Pont ally Robert Doughton of North Carolina. This bypassed the House without further hearings and passed it over to the Senate Finance Committee, controlled by another ally, Prentiss Brown of Michigan, where it was rubber stamped into law. Once on the books, Anslinger would "administer" the licensing process to make sure that no more commercial hemp was ever grown in the United States. Clinton Hesterm assistant general counsel for the Department of the Treasury, explained to the House Committee " The leading newspapers of the United States have recognized the seriousness of this problem and have advocated federal legislation to control.. marihuana...The marijuana cigarette is one of the most insidious of all forms of dope, largely because of the failure of the public to understand its fatal qualities."
At the last minute, a few pro-hemp witnesses showed up. Most of the confusion came from the using of the word "marihuana". Most people had no idea that "marihuana", merely a slang word taken from a drinking song celebrating Pancho Villa's victory, "La Cucaracha", was the same thing as cannabis hemp, a plant which had been an important crop since the founding of the country. Ralph Loziers of the National Oil Seed Institute showed up representing paint manufacturers and lubrication oil processors, and stated that hempseed was an essential commodity. Dr. William C. Woodward of the American Medical Association spoke in defense of cannabis medicines and in protest of the way the bill was handled. Woodward complained that there was no certain data that marihuana use had increased, and stated that if it had, the "newspaper exploitation of the habit had done more to increase it than anything else". Asked point blank if he thought federal legislation was necessary, he replied "I do not .. it is not a medical addiction that is involved." Woodward went on to criticize the way the word "marihuana" had been used to deliberately confuse the medical and industrial hemp communities. "In all you have heard here thus far, no mention has been made of any excessive use of the drug or its excessive distribution by any pharmacist. And yet the burden of this bill is placed heavily on the doctors and pharmacists of the country, and may I say very heavily - most heavily, possibly of all - on the farmers of this country... We can not understand yet ... why this bill should have been prepared in secret for two years without any initiative, even to the profession, that it was being prepared ... no medical man would identify this bill with a medicine until he read it through, because marijuana is not a drug, ... simply a name given cannabis." A few days later, Representative Fred Vinson of Kentucky was asked to summarize the AMA's position. He lied to the effect that the medical group's legislative counsul (Woodward) "Not only gave this measure full support, but also the approval from the AMA." The act passed without a roll call vote. Now we can see why it was prepared in secret - passage of the Act put all hemp industries firmly under the control of the very special interests that most benefited from its repression over the years - prohibition police and bureaucrats working in collusion with the petrochemical companies, the timber companies, the alcohol and tobacco industries, the pharmaceutical drug companies, and today, the urine testing, property seizure, police and prison industries. 

In that same year, 1937, Du Pont filed its patent on Nylon, a synthetic fiber that took over many of the textile and cordage markets that would have gone to hemp. More than half the American cars on the road were built by GM, which guaranteed Du Pont a captive market for paints, varnishes, plastics, and rubber, all which could have been made from hemp. Furthermore, all GM cars would subsequently be designed to use tetra-ethyl leaded fuel exclusively, which contained additives that Du Pont manufactured. All competition from hemp had been outlawed. 

Tuesday 3 April 2012

So you mean i can wear my buds?

For most of human history, marijuana has been completely legal. Its neither a recently discovered plant, nor is it a long-standing law. Marijuana has been illegal for less than 1% of the time that its been in use from arond 3000 BC, to as recently as the early 20th century. So whats the whole excitement over its ban? Well to understand that, one must know that marijuana hasn't always been used for recreation.

The Cannabis or hemp plant, of course has an incredible number of uses. The first time man covered himself, it was cloth from the same plant that they got high from, and over the centuries, it was used for food, incense, cloth, rope, and much more. Hemp is the natural, durable soft fiber from the stalk of the cannabis sativa plants. These plants are different from the ones that get you high as they normally have a very low concentration of THC, and grow up to 2 storeys high. Hemp seeds are also quite valuable as they are rich in essential fatty and amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Hemp milk extracted from the stalk is both dairy and gluten free, and is a much better alternative to the expensive soy milks sold around the world.

Compared to cotton, the most commonly used material to make cloths, hemp cloth is better in strength and last quite a bit longer. In fact the hemp fibers are so strong that they had been used as industrial strength ropes, and didn't break quite as easily as the coconut plant ropes being used in modern times. Research has shown that hemp can be used for 25,000 very durable textile products, ranging from paper and clothing to bio fuels, medicines and construction material. Cultures around the world embraced this miracle plant, and Virginia, George Washington's home state, even had a law making it an offence for farmers to not grow the cash crop. The first president himself was a weed farmer, and smoked them at his farm at Mt. Vermont.

Sadly these properties of the marijuana plant were the reasons it got banned, as greedy capitalists wanted to sell inferior quality goods and materials, which would  not have been needed if hemp was still being produced.


Monday 2 April 2012

Jai bham bhole!!

Quick, guess whats common between Sir Richard Branson, Michael Phelps, Barack Obama and Stephen king? Well you are correct if you guessed they were all stoners. Contrary to popular notions, a stoner does not automatically make the person an unemployed porno addict, sitting in his parents' basement, playing video games, eating potato chips out of the box with one hand, while lazily scratching his balls with the other. The origins of these stereotypes remains a mystery to us, but reality couldn't be farther from it.

Cannabis is indigenous to the fertile plains of Central and South Asia, at the base of the majestic Himalayas. Evidence of pot-smoking humans date back to almost 3000 years BC, with archaeologists finding charred seeds in burial sites in Europe, leaf fragments with mummified shamans in China, and in ancient Vedic texts of the Hindus of India and Nepal thousands of years ago. 

Ancient Assyrians started getting high around the same time when they were introduced to the magic plant by the Aryans of the Indian sub-continent. They used it in religious ceremonies, and passed in along to the to other tribes of central and southeastern tribes of Europe. It has since had a long history of ritual use among religious cults who got high to become spiritually enlightened. From the ancient Jews, early christians to the sufi saints of islam, everybody got high as shit to revel in god's glory. In India the plant is associated with lord shiva, who on a particularly hot day, used the plant for shade and gave it to humanity in thanks. Till this day hindu mystics use it on the banks of the river ganga to aid their spiritual experience. Although all history has time and again proved  how the plant helped man chill out since they discovered fire, and started to burn weed, it was just the greed of a few that resulted in the wastage of god's gift to man.        

Sunday 1 April 2012

God's own plant

Five years since I first tried, and unsuccessfully I must add, am back to blogging again. But what makes it so different than the last attempt, well I actually may have something to write about this time it seems. That is what I believe at least, cause after a months of being told that how wrong it is, how dangerous it is, and how fucked up I am, I think its about time I voiced what i really think of the the world that thinks my beloved marijuana is the absolutely worst thing around.

But why suddenly now?.....well a combination, rather a culmination of things around me starting with how my country is being bled dry by the corrupt leeches in the country, ending with me getting caught by a policeman, and then being let off after I contributed around 5 grand to his 'retirement fund'. So now ignoring all the things said and done about the 'drug', the next few weeks i am going to prove here how, why marijuana should be legalized and walking you along the history of marijuana.