Thursday 5 April 2012

So why around the world??

In 1894 the British and Indian Governments Hemp Drugs Commission ruled out prohibition of cannabis and said that the social use of cannabis was acceptable. They also denied previous claims that cannabis caused insanity. After the marijuana tax act, Anslinger went on to control the attempts at eradicating hemp until he was eventually sacked by President John Kennedy, who was said to have used cannabis to ease back pains. 

However, during the time World War II broke out, American policy had to change in order to produce the necessary fibre for war. 'Reefer Madness' was rapidly, but temporarily, dropped in favour of a 'Hemp for Victory' campaign and farmers were required to grow cannabis. After the war Anslinger continued to publicly campaign that cannabis drove people crazy and made them violent, right up until the Vietnam War when he then blamed cannabis for pacifying American troops. 

Later in 1962 when he resigned from the position of the Commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, he was appointed as the US representative to the UN Narcotics commission for two years till he retired. It was in this 2 years that heavy lobbying by him resulted in the UN Single Drugs Convention of 1961, which is widely recognized as the cause of marijuana ban around the world 

Anslinger died in 1975, but not before ensuring that the world is devoid of the magical plant and ensured that the world be slaves to expensive, low quality, synthetic substitutes.

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