Monday 2 April 2012

Jai bham bhole!!

Quick, guess whats common between Sir Richard Branson, Michael Phelps, Barack Obama and Stephen king? Well you are correct if you guessed they were all stoners. Contrary to popular notions, a stoner does not automatically make the person an unemployed porno addict, sitting in his parents' basement, playing video games, eating potato chips out of the box with one hand, while lazily scratching his balls with the other. The origins of these stereotypes remains a mystery to us, but reality couldn't be farther from it.

Cannabis is indigenous to the fertile plains of Central and South Asia, at the base of the majestic Himalayas. Evidence of pot-smoking humans date back to almost 3000 years BC, with archaeologists finding charred seeds in burial sites in Europe, leaf fragments with mummified shamans in China, and in ancient Vedic texts of the Hindus of India and Nepal thousands of years ago. 

Ancient Assyrians started getting high around the same time when they were introduced to the magic plant by the Aryans of the Indian sub-continent. They used it in religious ceremonies, and passed in along to the to other tribes of central and southeastern tribes of Europe. It has since had a long history of ritual use among religious cults who got high to become spiritually enlightened. From the ancient Jews, early christians to the sufi saints of islam, everybody got high as shit to revel in god's glory. In India the plant is associated with lord shiva, who on a particularly hot day, used the plant for shade and gave it to humanity in thanks. Till this day hindu mystics use it on the banks of the river ganga to aid their spiritual experience. Although all history has time and again proved  how the plant helped man chill out since they discovered fire, and started to burn weed, it was just the greed of a few that resulted in the wastage of god's gift to man.        

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