Sunday 1 April 2012

God's own plant

Five years since I first tried, and unsuccessfully I must add, am back to blogging again. But what makes it so different than the last attempt, well I actually may have something to write about this time it seems. That is what I believe at least, cause after a months of being told that how wrong it is, how dangerous it is, and how fucked up I am, I think its about time I voiced what i really think of the the world that thinks my beloved marijuana is the absolutely worst thing around.

But why suddenly now?.....well a combination, rather a culmination of things around me starting with how my country is being bled dry by the corrupt leeches in the country, ending with me getting caught by a policeman, and then being let off after I contributed around 5 grand to his 'retirement fund'. So now ignoring all the things said and done about the 'drug', the next few weeks i am going to prove here how, why marijuana should be legalized and walking you along the history of marijuana.

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